This is my special dog walk cycle that I screen printed from my partners dog Tasha walking over my small ipod camera, to get this movement for shot 3.
These are some production photos of the 3rd shot. The dog is sitting on the road side happily wagging his tail and this shot will be followed by a dog walk cycle with a twist. The dog will walk over the camera, so will be filmed from below looking up. I have thus been videoing my partners dog walking over an ipod camera to get the motion, action and perspective correct to apply to Herbert(my dog character) when I animate that shot.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Ive started looking at the movements and behaviour attributes of dogs so when i animate Herbert I can have a more realistic looking dog. I took video of my partners dog in different sitting poses and then screen printed them to take still images. I will soon be taking some different video to get a wider view.
This week I started animating my first shots of Stanley sitting in the street after losing his job. Here is how the first of my animation keys look.
These are a sample of my finished backgrounds ranging from the exterior street backgrounds the garden and the living room and kitchen. I started out drawing the finished backgrounds in stratchy pen lines and then scanned and coloured them in photoshop to achieve the effect i have now.
Monday, 11 January 2010
my up to date schedule
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Here is the score sheets of the music composed for my film which has also been added to my moving animatic.
I have since finished my backgrounds and put them into my moving animatic and should be ready to start animating.