Saturday, 28 November 2009

colour development for my male character Stan, produced in photoshop.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

This is my updated second animatic with the changes i've made and improvements.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

This is a dimesions character sheet to see how the characters look in comparison to each other so that when I animate I can refer back and make sure they stay the same.

These are some poses of stan in some of the key positions from the story.
from the male designs I have decided to go for the long lanky body shape with the rain drop shaped head, which contrasts to the dogs small and blobish shape.

These are design ideas for the male character 'Stan'. I have experimented with a few selected body shapes to see how they look etc...

Dog colourization and design!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

These are the drawn changes and improvements to my storyboard which i will add to my animatic for the next showing. It gives a more visual and satisfying visual to the scene, as different from the previous, it shows the man actually making the dog house.
this is my first animatic showing all my story and shots. the soundtrack is taken from the new pixar film up as a temporary place holder. Adam has given me feed back on aspects to change, the scene when he makes the dog house and the shot near the end when the man reacts to the house collapsing.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Here are some initial designs for my male character. i like the shape of his head but am still working on the body.

i think he is a strong character and feel he will work well with the other design aspects.

i have been designing the dog character and have come up with a design straight away that i like. i havn't started to develop my male character as much yet but will do very soon. Here are some drawn poses of my dog character.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

I have applied a similar colour pallete to my designs as seen in the ed, edd and eddy cartoons as i really like the style and feel the shades compliment each other.

I have started to mess around with interiors and exteriors trying to find a balance.

I first started by changing the oppacity to get a thick black line from the drawing i had done. Using photoshop i applied a few brush styles to see what i could come up with.

From the last post i then scanned the images into photoshop to see how i could further develop them into something interesting and exciting, taking influence from the previous animation styles and ideas.

I have been drawing out a series of initial designs to develop into backgrounds and my final aesthetic from the influeces i have looked at already. From these quick sketches i hope to form an interesting but unique aesthetic for my film which will enhance the story.

These are new ideas and updates to my storyboard since the last development.

Recently i have been looking at and influenced by the cartoon network style of animation. Especially the cartoon ed, edd and eddy as i feel this style would work very well with my story and ideas. Using this style as a starting point i am going to play around and try and forge an aesthetic of my own.